Cotton Pads Market, by Product Type (Round Cotton Pads, Square Cotton Pads, and Oval Cotton Pads) by End-use Industry (Cosmetics, Medical, and Others)

Cotton Pads Market

Cotton pads are a type of pad made from raw cotton that is widely utilized in the cosmetics and medical industries all over the world. These pads are mostly used to cleanse the face and to stop bleeding from cuts and injuries to the skin. Furthermore, in recent years, the use of cotton pads for makeup application and removal has gained popularity.

The global cotton pads market is expected to reach US$ 806.3 million in revenue by the end of 2027, with a CAGR of 5.0 percent over the projected period (2020 to 2027).


Cotton Pads Market consumption is likely to rise in the future years as millennials become more concerned about personal hygiene and personal care. Furthermore, the ability of long fiber cotton to absorb more oil and other liquid makes it ideal for a variety of cosmetic applications.

Furthermore, rising disposable income among the working population has boosted demand for cosmetics, resulting in an increase in cotton pad consumption. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, per capita, disposable income in the European Union was worth US$ 33,399 in 2018, and US$ 34,355 in 2019.

In terms of revenue, Asia Pacific dominated the worldwide cotton pad market in 2019, accounting for 35.7 percent of the total market, followed by Europe and North America.

Restriction on the Market

The rising availability of cotton pad replacements is projected to limit market expansion to some extent. The cosmetics and personal care business is seeing an increase in demand for alternatives like flannel, bamboo, and various microfiber pads.

Competitive Section

Key players operating in the global cotton pads market include CMC Consumer Medical Care GMBH, Cotton Club, Groupe Lemoine, Sanitary, Shiseido Co. Ltd., Sisma S.P.A, TZMO SA, L&R USA Inc., Unicharm Corporation, and PT Cottonindo Ariesta Tbk.

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