Ornamental Sunflower: An Overview Farmers Originally Cultivated Sunflowers To Produce Seeds

Ornamental Sunflower
Ornamental Sunflower

Ornamental Helianthus Were Not Always Bred For Their Appearance. Farmers Originally Cultivated Sunflowers To Produce Seeds for consumption by humans and livestock. It wasn't until the 1900s that hybridizers began cross-breeding sunflowers solely for their ornamental traits. Early varieties featured simple blooms with yellow rays and dark centers. Modern cultivars showcase an incredible array of sizes, shapes, and dazzling colors.

Varieties of Ornamental Sunflower
There are thousands of sunflower cultivars available for gardens today. Some popular types include:

Mammoth sunflowers - Very tall, up to 12 feet high, with massive 10-inch flowers. Excellent for backgrounds.
Poinsettia - Smaller, bushier plants bearing 2-3 inch scarlet blooms from summer to fall. Stunning massed together.
Purple Sunbeam - Beautiful coppery-bronzed Ornamental Sunflower with mahogany centers. Compact, multi-branching habit.
Lemon Queen - Vibrant clear yellow blooms aged to cream. Very heat and drought tolerant.
Chocolate - Deep chocolate brown blooms. Adds rich, cocoa color tones to borders.
Autumn Beauty - Large mahogany and cream striped blooms on branching plants. Very showy and late flowering.

Growing Ornamental Helianthus
Sunflowers prefer full sun and well-draining soil for best growth. They are low maintenance plants once established.

- Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before last spring frost or direct sow once soil has warmed. Plant 1/2 inch deep, 12-18 inches apart.

- Amend heavy soils with compost or manure prior to planting. Sunflowers have long taproots and need loose, nutrient-rich soil.

- Water deeply during dry spells, applying 1-2 inches per week. Mulch to conserve moisture.

- Stake or cage tall cultivars for wind protection. Tie stems securely 6-12 inches below the bud.

- Deadhead spent blooms to prolong flowering into fall. Cut stem back to the ground or above a side shoot.

- Divide clumps in fall every 3-4 years to control spread and reinvigorate older plants.

Using Ornamental Sunflowers in the Landscape
Sunflowers provide bold focal points,screening, and naturalistic accents in ornamental gardens. Their versatility allows creative uses:

- Background plants for Mixed borders - Stand tall cultivars behind shorter perennials,shrubs.

- Cut flowers - Harvest blooms in bud stages daily for vibrant,long-lasting bouquets.

- Dried flower arrangements - Hang mature,dry heads in bundles to retain form,color.

- Wildlife gardens - Provide seeds,habitat for birds like finches and cover for butterflies.

- Informal, meadow-style plantings - Scatter seeds of various cultivars for a free-flowing look.

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